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In Chinese philosophy, everything is either yin or yang. Maintain the length of the spine so that you resist collapsing through the spine. This pose stretches the connective tissue of the outer thighs and buttocks, stimulating the kidney, liver, and gall bladder meridians. Legs are apart.

Yin works with the fibrous tissues; therefore, it uses slightly different asanas and exerts gentler pressure for a longer time. Before going into the pose with both legs, do one side at a time first, to test your ankles and how they feel. Often, one ankle may be more closed than the other, so rubber dumbbells manufacturers if you start off doing the full pose right away, you will not be aware of any issues. We need to do both in our lives for a holistic and complete yoga practice.Yang is the masculine energy while yin is feminine.Twisted RootLying on your back, draw both knees into your chest.But as we grow older, our bodies get stiffer.  Square PoseSit cross-legged with your left shin on the floor, roughly parallel to your torso, and your right shin on top of the left, the right outer ankle resting on top of the left thigh near the knee.  

We need a combination of both to be a balanced and complete being. If the knee is fine, flex the right foot and move it forward; if the knee feels stressed, bring the foot closer towards the right hip. If the knees are higher, this moves the twist to the upper back; lowering the knees moves the twist more to the lumbar/sacrum. Now, centre yourself so your weight is even. Try tucking the back toes under and sliding the back knee away. Look towards the opposite side. Gently lean back until the shins and knees lift off the floor. The practitioner holds poses for three to eight minutes or sometimes even longer. Hold for a minute. If you are feeling comfortable and balanced here, you can bring your palms to your chest. But at the same time, it can be intense. Gently lift your head, neck and chest. If possible, bend forward to provide a stretch for the lower spine. Place both hands on top of the knees or on the ground by the sides of the knees. As with all yin poses, start out conservatively, taking a position you can gradually deepen for three-five minutes, rather than starting with a more aggressive pose. Open your arms to the side like wings or clasp behind head, and drop the knees to the left side. Yang is left-brained, high energy, driving, productive, logical, detail-oriented, “masculine” energy.

SphinxLie down on your stomach on your carpet or mat. Do this a few times until your right buttock is on the floor or as low as it is going to get.. Prop yourself up on your forearms. Bring your elbows in close by your chest. Don’t let the head fall back and overextend the neck. Make sure your elbows aren’t too far back or your shoulders will eventually feel very heavy. When the muscles are engaged for athletic prowess, standing and moving with strength, this is the engagement of yang energy. Yin is right-brained, feeling, sensing, imaginative, quiet, introspective, reflective, “female” energy. Take your right leg and cross it over the left, continuing to twist your right foot under your left ankle, like the leg position is shown in the photo. Therefore, we need to stress them in a different way. This helps create space and strengthen the joints, and keep the connective tissues in good health.SwanYou can come into this pose either from Down Dog (which is more advanced) or from Cat Pose (on hands and knees). Slide your right knee between your hands, lean a bit to the right, and check in with how your right knee is going to feel. Keeping the concepts of yin and yang in mind, one can easily see that Western approach to yoga-as-fitness is mostly yang.  

The way to work them is different from the way to work muscles - because joints, tendons and ligaments are more plastic in nature as compared to muscles which are elastic. You may chose to keep your forearms straight and parallel to one another, with your palms down on the ground, for support. We also need to work our tendons, ligaments, fascia surrounding muscles and joints to prevent stiffness and other problems like frozen shoulders and arthritis from creeping in.— The writer is a yoga and meditation consultant based in Kochi.Ankle StretchBegin in a kneeling position, sitting on the heels. I have personally seen tremendous benefits in practicing yin yoga; it greatly complements hatha and vice versa. You can hold this pose for three-five minutes.

Posté le 13/11/2020 à 04:26 par labrycraicon
Catégorie Ice cleats

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For Hansaji, who has worked towards increasing the participation of women in yoga at a time when it was frowned upon, she feels the practice has come a long way.R.  The brief meeting was profound enough to inspire the young man to spend his life spreading the ‘secret knowledge of yoga’. At the two-day Harmony Fest that commenced yesterday, an event celebrating the centenary run of the world’s oldest yoga institute, President Ram Nath Kovind joined in the festivities by gracing the occasion. After years of relocating to different locations, from Chowpatty to even Gujarat, the yoga guru finally laid the bricks of his institution at its present location in Santa Cruz in 1947.  “Earlier ladies didn’t attend in large numbers, they were not allowed. Not only has the participation of women increased, but Hansaji has also started various programs that meet the needs of children, women, including girls in their puberty, women in pre and post-natal stages of pregnancies, women in menopause, and the elderly.  Now, it’s the other way round,” she says.  Once a lady came crying to me, saying that her husband will become a sadhu because he is going to a yoga centre. It was then that people saw that this institute was very important, and our strength increased from 400-500 people to about 2000 people,” she concludes. She adds that one cannot treat yoga as a mass drill, but since every human being is different, one should follow personalised, tailor-made programs consisting of asanas, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, bandhas and mudras. He called me on Yoga Day, and I was there with him on stage. And in philosophy of course, how he is trying to bring certain aspects in his life so that he can remain calm and balanced.

A Grounds, BKC. And they also thought that practicing yoga meant you were a recluse of sorts, like a sadhu-sanyasi. Looking back, she reiterates the long-running objective of the institute YOGA MAT manufacturers when she informs that they have not only focused on yoga as a means to pursue a healthy life, but also as a subject that deals with three aspects —psychology, philosophy and technology.D. We don’t use the word ‘meditation’; rather we use ‘conditioning’ because it is a very different step. You have to condition your mind to see that right types of thoughts go by and you are actively sitting quietly, counting your breath, listening to the sound around you and feeling the air on your body.The popularity of the institute, the rigorous following of its objectives and its philosophy can be accredited to the years Yogendra’s spent researching the physiological and the psychological effects of practicing the ancient Indian art of living in USA. “Everybody can’t do meditation, rather it may harm somebody if he is going through depression.   

In 1943, a team of experts from the Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, who were collecting modern artefacts to add to their time capsule called the Crypt of Civilisation, also added the books published in the institute to their collection, which will only be opened after 6000 years. She extended the ladies wing of the institute and has seen the attitude changing in her customers.In 1916, a young Gujarati man named Mani Haribhai Desai had a chance encounter with a 118 years-old Guru Paramhamsa Madhavadasji who was in the city for a discourse.  “The whole boost for our institute came when Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached out to us, because we were functioning very silently. “I was very glad when the Crypt of Civilisation accepted our books and they gave us a certificate saying that they are the most authentic and scientific books,” Hansaji gushes.

Looking back fondly, Hansaji says that her happiest memory would be the time when she joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the first-ever celebration of the Yoga Day on June 21, 2015.Yogendra’s daughter-in-law and director of the institute —Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra —who has made spreading knowledge about yoga her life’s goal, helmed the event. And the technology part is something that has to be very carefully dealt with because every human is very different,” she reveals. “The psychology part also needs to be understood — when a person is getting angry, what is happening to the system, and when he is calm and quiet, how his brain is functioning then. With a resolution and dedication so robust, Mani became Yogendra, a fastidious proponent of hatha yoga and established The Yoga Institute in 1918 at Dadabhai Naoroji’s residence in Versova. So for a long time, yoga was not understood.M. That would help you,” she elucidates.—The Harmony Fest is ongoing at M.

Posté le 15/10/2020 à 03:18 par labrycraicon
Catégorie Ice cleats

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The BJP chief is learnt to have asked the Haryana unit to set a target of “Abki bar 75 paar” in the 90-member House, while the Jharkhand unit has tasked with winning 65 of the 81 seats in the Jharkhand Assembly.

A victory in these two state Assemblies, where the incumbent governments are BJP-run, is seen as crucial as it would further boost the morale of party workers and maintain the Narendra Modi government’s grip on them. The Hooda dynasty was decimated in the Lok Sabha polls, with former Haryana CM Bhopinder Singh Hooda and his son Deepender Hooda, a three-time MP, routed decisively in Sonepat and Rohtak respectively. Similar events will also be held across the globe as part of the government’s efforts to celebrate International Yoga Day for the past five years on June 21, to raise global awareness about the benefits of the ancient Indian practice. The BJP chief will be flanked by Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar in Rohtak.The Prime Minister will join the yoga session along with 18,000 people, including chief minister Raghubar Das, in Ranchi.After a stellar performance by the BJP in both states in the recent Lok Sabha polls, where it won 11 of 14 seats in Jharkhand and all 10 parliamentary seats in Haryana, the local units are understood to have been told to aim to win a two-thirds majority in the Assemblies.Interestingly, Mr Shah has chosen Rohtak, the erstwhile stronghold of the Hooda dynasty, to start the campaign.  

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be in Jharkhand, Union home minister Amit Shah will be in Rohtak, Haryana.Sources said the venue has been selected to send across a clear message to Haryana’s dynasts through his presence in the Yoga Day celebrations.The UN General Assembly had in December 2014 declared June 21 as China Wholesale Kettlebell with Rubber “International Day of Yoga” months after Prime Minister Modi had first proposed the idea.New Delhi: With its eyes on the forthcoming Assembly polls, the BJP high command has zeroed in on two crucial states to celebrate International Yoga Day on Friday.Other senior ministers from the Narendra Modi team of ministers, the chief ministers of BJP-run states and party unit chiefs from various states, from the city to the block level, will participate in the events held across various districts of the country. The grand events in the states are being viewed as the “unofficial” launch of the BJP’s election campaign there.

Posté le 10/10/2020 à 04:05 par labrycraicon
Catégorie Ice cleats

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New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman should consider increasing the income tax exemption limit to at least Rs 3 lakh and abolish minimum alternate tax (MAT) for companies to boost consumption and economic growth, suggested tax experts.Sitharaman, the first full-time woman finance minister, is set to present her maiden Budget on July 5 in the Lok Sabha."The government should consider raising the limit of tax-free income to at least Rs 3. Incentives provided in the form of exemptions/deductions provided to infrastructure companies get offset by MAT, he said."The government may raise the basic exemption limit by Rs 50,000 (from Rs 2."As most of these incentives have already reached a sunset stage, the possibility of further extending benefits to newly set up entities needs to be considered," Vasudevan said while making a case for the abolition of MAT.The Economic Survey for 2019-20 will be tabled on July 4 followed by the presentation of the Budget the next day.5 lakh thus reducing the tax burden from 20 per cent to 5 per cent for this category," he said.  

Industry chambers like CII and Ficci have already made detailed presentations on their suggestions for the Budget.The first session of the newly-elected 17th Lok Sabha will be held from June 17 to July 26.In the run-up to Budget 2019-20, she would be holding intensive consultations with trade and industry bodies, besides other stakeholders.For instance, the applicability of MAT on companies enjoying tax holidays needs to be reconsidered as it entails additional cash outflow in the initial years.5 lakh to Rs 3 lakh) extending the benefit to all or alternatively, 5 per cent slab may be raised from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7.The PwC tax expert also suggested that to give a push to the housing sector and also incentivise the taxpayers to buy their own house, the deduction for housing loan interest may be raised to Rs 3 lakh from the current Rs 2 lakh and the cap of set-off of loss against other income may be removed.S Vasudevan, Partner with law firm Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan, said that certain provisions in the Income Tax Act need to be revisited to reduce hardship. But in the next consecutive budgets, it did not give many benefits to individual taxpayers."By raising the limit of deduction under Section 80C and for interest on housing loan, the government would be able to channelize more savings in the economy and ensure housing for all under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana," he said.. The rebate was earlier capped at income of up to Rs 3.5 lakh, Rs 3 lakhs for Section 80C deductions and Rs 3 lakh for interest on housing loan.

Industry chambers, China Wholesale Ice cleats in their representation to the finance ministry, have also pressed for the abolition of MAT and reduction in corporate and personal income tax as these steps would help in increasing consumption and in turn promote economic growth."Apart from adversely impacting the cash flows, many times the companies are not able to fully utilise the MAT credit in future years.In her budget, the 59-year-old JNU alumnus Sitharaman will have to address slowing economy, financial sector troubles like rising NPAs and liquidity crisis in NBFCs, job creation, private investments, exports revival, agrarian crisis and raise public investment without compromising on fiscal prudence.

Naveen Wadhwa, DGM, Taxmann, said the first NDA government in its maiden Union Budget presented in 2014 had raised the tax exemption limit, interest on housing loan and Section 80C of IT Act deductions.The move largely benefited the lower income group whereby individuals with income up to Rs 5 lakh have to pay no taxes.In the interim budget presented in February, the government had extended full tax rebate to those having an income of up to Rs 5 lakh without any change in the tax slabs."While India will not remain unaffected from the global economic situation and domestically too there are challenges, the common man does have lot of hope (from the Budget)," said Kuldip Kumar, Partner & Leader, Personal Tax, PwC India.5 lakh.

Posté le 29/09/2020 à 04:28 par labrycraicon
Catégorie Ice cleats

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Malaika AroraAmong the stars who shuttle between the south and Bollywood, there is Ileana D’cruz, who eats healthy and practises yoga to stay fit and retain the glow on her face naturally.  

And now, Kareena uses Home freezer Manufacturers the same techniques and asanas practised by her dear friend Malaika, to get back into shape, after the birth of her son Taimur. Fifty Surya Namaskars and 45 minutes of multiple asanas came into force too, to get her that svelte figure. Out in the West, seeing a shrink means you are getting better, but in India, it means you are sick!” she says. If a woman exercises during her pregnancy, she will find weight issues easier to deal with later.  

The branch of yoga is an eight-limbed form, as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.Kareena Kapoor Khan’s now-legendary size zero was not just about her dietician Rujuta Diwekar’s efforts. This is also followed by a lot of deep breathing, pranayama and meditation.A psychiatrist and a motivational speaker, who counsels a lot of film actors, says on condition of anonymity, “These actresses wake up every morning to news about them having an affair or a fight with someone. She now has company in her husband Karan Singh Grover, who seems to have helped her move from solo fitness DVDs into yoga’s company!Shilpa Shetty Kundra is another star known for her yoga DVDs. “I don’t go to gym, I do yoga… One hour every day. So, I decided to be a part of this DVD to make women understand the essentials of keeping fit during pregnancy.Recently, Alia Bhatt ended up grinding her teeth a lot, and the area between her jaws and her head began to hurt.Sanskriti Media. It has somewhat become a fad to be spotted by the paparazzi, sporting a look that announces you’re ready for a good yoga session. I find them very suffocating,” is her refrain. Post that, they have meetings and functions or shoots to attend. Because of social media, they have their private moments captured and tagged relentlessly. Lara Dutta, who became Miss Universe in 2001, started yoga actively a few years later and is also known for her instructional videos on YouTube.Kareena Kapoor KhanDespite her schedules and late nights, Deepika Padukone wakes up at 6 am for yoga sessions, which include sarvangasana, marjariasana, and virabhadrasana, among other forms of the discipline. Women have become health conscious and know the value of exercise. About her prenatal Yoga DVD, she says, “Earlier, women restricted their movements during pregnancy, but now, this has changed. When one wakes up to such news, it is not easy to have a stable day.  

With increasing mental stress for actresses, many are opting for a more peaceful time practicing yoga rather than getting into heavy workouts with machines, or even cross fit techniques. The 68-kg actress lost weight, thanks to Ashtanga Yoga that she follows. Since then, Shilpa has promoted yoga ardently, with the DVDs following suit, as well as her own set of asanas. Rather than popping medicines, they prefer yoga. Years ago, when Shilpa was on the celebrity show Big Brother, she took every opportunity possible to promote the discipline. Kareena admits that she prefers yoga to gymming.”Kangana Ranaut, who has been taking on the might of the Roshans and the Johars, uses Bikram Yoga and a string of Surya Namaskars to stay on top of the game. The actress even bonded recently with Hollywood actress Goldie Hawn and discussed yoga.Incidentally, Alia had been into yoga earlier.Yoga has clearly replaced the gym as far as Bollywood divas are concerned.  

I don’t believe in gyms. I think yoga and walking are the best. Her dentist told her that her teeth were bearing the brunt of the grinding because of her stress, and that she needed to turn to yoga.Shipla Shetty KundraIt was Bipasha Basu who first pushed yoga ahead of the inorganic gymnasiums to get fit. Prenatal exercises are, in fact, more valuable than postnatal ones. Alia was back to practicing yoga, and the pain came to a halt. In turn, this could’ve played a huge part in helping her win the show.And it does seem like the gyms have now been replaced by the traditional Indian style of yoga, with some great results that the A list actresses swear by. Mahesh (Bhupati, husband) and I understood the importance of keeping fit while pregnant.

Posté le 23/09/2020 à 03:52 par labrycraicon
Catégorie Ice cleats

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